Here in Cary, NC most homes, condos and apartments have a sliding glass door. This door usually opens out to a balcony, patio or back yard and often affords views of everything from a golf course to a neighboring building or even a parking lot! Ease of access is provided by this sliding door of glass as it opens wide enough to allow people, pets and furniture to come and go easily and at will.
As useful as these doors are, they can also be somewhat of a security problem. For one thing, the glass doors are almost always on the side or back of the property; out of view from the street. This gives crooks a little privacy to work at getting into your home or business as fewer eyes are on them from the back. Secondly, the large opening the glass door makes when it’s open is perfect for removing furniture, large screen televisions and other items of value.
What good is a lock?
Here at Cary Locksmith we are often asked “what good are locks on the sliding glass doors? All the burglar has to do is smash the glass!” While this point is well-taken, it is also not too likely. Smashed glass makes a lot of noise, and unless you live out in the “boonies” someone is bound to hear an unusual sound like that and either investigate, or call the police. In Cary, NC we have medium to high density living and working conditions that would allow people close by to notice and report such an incident.
Another deterrent to smashing your way through a sliding glass door is the possibility of injury. Shattered glass is sharp and it cuts easily. All it takes is an artery to be cut and death can follow rather quickly. Plus, blood left behind and trails of it are often tell-tale signs of just who was the culprit behind the break-in.
For locks to work you have to use them!
It kind of goes without saying, but for your sliding glass door to be and remain safe, you must use the lock on it! A vast percentage of illegal home break-ins happen when the door is either closed or open and UNLOCKED! Being lazy or forgetful is really no excuse as burglars know that many people simply won’t bother locking the door, so they are able to enter easily and very quietly. Bear in mind that simply locking your back or side sliding glass door will not guarantee safety, but it helps! The locks that are already on these doors will keep out some burglars but not all of them. For a higher degree of home or business security be sure and add a second lock to your sliding glass door and use it! Make the practice of locking your front AND back doors habit forming; it may just help you fend off an incident!
Additional locking devices
Good news! It won’t cost you the proverbial “arm and leg” to make your sliding glass door better secured. Cary Locksmith offers these helpful tips on better protecting your side or back glass door. These work for all budgets so just apply the hardware or methods that work best for you.
Broom handles; not just for witches!
No, we are not kidding; a broom handle that fits in the floor groove of the glass door is better than nothing. It is better than having just a lock, but not quite as good as a replacement bar made of reinforced metal that runs the length of the door. You can even have both as every bit of sliding glass door security counts during these times. One bit of caution; broom handles, PVC pipes and even 2 by 4s are fine but since your glass door rests on rollers, it is possible to maneuver the door up and down and back and forth and lift it off it the tracks. Repair persons do this all the time and don’t think for a minute that a burglar doesn’t know that.
Pin lock magic!
Pin locks are not magical, but they almost seem that way. They are easy to use, inexpensive to buy, and fast to install. Your pin lock can prevent your glass door from being opened, even if you forgot to lock it. You can always call a local Cary, NC locksmith to do the installation but any good handyman should be able to do the job for you, too. Just be sure that whoever does the drilling for it does NOT hit the glass or you will have a shattered door on your hands! Also, don’t drill too far into both doors or a burglar will be able to push the pin out from the outside.
Pin locks can be bought locally at home improvement stores, hardware stores and at retailers like Wal-Mart, Target and Best Buy. You can find them online at Amazon, EBay and Craigslist, too.
If you are into DIY (do it yourself) work you can follow the instructions that came with the lock or see any of dozens of YouTube videos that are online.
Mortise locks
A steel mortise lock will cost you a little more than a pin lock but it offers greater security, too. These are actually installed into the door frame so you should use the services of a local locksmith pro for this. To save money you can always buy the lock yourself and use the locksmith expert to do the actual installation. Local stores carry these locks, but be sure to specify mortise locks for sliding glass doors, as there are many kinds. National hardware and home improvement stores offer great mortise lock selections and you can always order from Amazon or EBay where you can read reviews from other buyers of these locks
Remember to always lock your sliding glass door when you are away or at night. Add additional locks, bars and hardware to keep intruders out. You see your glass door as a convenient exit to the outside. An intruder sees your sliding glass door as a convenient entry to your home and belongings.

Aricle source here: Locks for sliding glass doors