Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Transponder Keys, Problems

Rekey Service

Transponder keys are very common, especially in new cars. This is a key that is used in the operation of a vehicle – it comes with a microchip located in the head. Transponder keys work via radio frequency. A chip which is in the head is connected to an ignition code that is programmed in advance, and it is able to release a radio frequency to said code. When the proper signal is not sent, a person will be unable to start a car or open a door. This is one sure way to help in preventing vehicle theft. In addition, it causes cars to be more convenient for owners. Unfortunately, there are times in which things stop working as they are supposed to. The team at Cary Locksmith in Cary, NC has put together some common problems that occur when it comes to transponder keys. No matter where you are, this information should be useful to you, and you will know what to do if you are ever stuck with a problematic transponder key. Have a look –

  • You are unable to find your transponder key.

There comes a time at some point in everyone’s life that they misplace something – of course, sometimes this happens on a daily basis. But if you have lost your transponder key, and you don’t know where it is, it is important to know what your options are. Locksmiths frequently get phone calls from locals who can’t find their transponder keys. When this happens, you have the option of having a new one programmed. Yes, this is a solution that you can find with mechanics and dealerships as well. But financially, the best option tends to be to turn to a locksmith. Their prices can’t be beat. Just avoid trying to program a transponder key yourself – you will very likely end up ordering the wrong parts, and just wasting your time. This is a task that needs the expertise of someone who has done it before.

  • The transponder key has a dead battery.

This is a transponder key problem that happens quite often. You usually get signs that indicate your transponder key battery is dying, so the best thing to do is to have the battery changed as soon as you notice that something is not right. This can prevent you from ending up stuck with a dead battery, which is always a frustrating situation to be in.

  • Your transponder key is failing when it comes to transmitting the correct signal

Sometimes, a transponder key will fail at transmitting the right signal. But this is a big problem because if you have a vehicle that isn’t getting the transmission it needs, the key won’t work. Transponder key reprogramming is usually the solution. Again, this is something that only an expert should be trusted to do.

  • The chip is damaged

You will have signs that the chip is damaged if you have made efforts to do things like swap out the battery or reprogram the key, but to no avail. This tends to call for a new transponder key. Just make sure that if you have the old key, it is no longer activated. And you guessed it – a lock and security provider will be able to help with this.

Transponder Problems? Call a Locksmith!

When help is needed, just make sure to turn to someone who is capable of doing the job. A locksmith that provides automotive services and is insured and licensed will be able to assist you. After all, you can’t just trust anyone with your car’s security. The best part is, you should be able to get a hold of a locksmith for same day help, and often times 24 hour a day service as well.

Looking to hire a locksmith? Go through our checklist:

  • Make sure that the provider is licensed and insured.
  • Check out the feedback that was provided by other customers. You can check places such as Facebook and Yelp for this.
  • Make sure consultations are provided for free. They shouldn’t charge you for the initial conversation.
  • Make sure that price quotes are provided for free as well. You should feel confident in the rate that you are going to pay.

Transponder keys were made to be not only a theft-deterrent but also a form of convenience. They were made to make life easier, but like anything, they can sometimes cause problems and fail to work properly. Hopefully, you will notice that a problem is brewing before it becomes too bad. Is the battery beginning to fade? Have it replaced. Do you not have a copy of your transponder key? It is a wise idea to have one created. This way, if you ever misplace one of your keys, you will have a backup.

The team at Cary Locksmith is an auto expert that provides all sorts of solutions for customers. Many locksmiths throughout the country provide similar services, which include break in repairs, high security sidewinder assistance, ignition cylinder replacement, car door unlocking and so much more. Many locksmiths, like this one, also work with just about every vehicle make and model, so Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, Ford, Mazda, Kia, Toyota, BMW, Lexus are all names that are seen on a regular basis. It is important to have a professional that you can count on for your property’s security. It is important that you don’t hire just anyone for the task. Do your research and hire the best business in your location, no matter where that might be. Transponder key problems can be handled by an expert, but they shouldn’t be left in the hands of just anyone. Hopefully, this information proves to be beneficial to you, and if you are dealing with a problematic transponder key right now, or one that is missing, you have a better idea of what your options are and what you should do.

Aricle source here: Transponder Keys, Problems

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Living Alone-Steps You Can Take To Remain Safe

You may feel as though you have enough common sense to remain safe but you would be surprised at just how susceptible many people living alone are to a home invasion. If you don’t want to become a victim of a burglary, it certainly couldn’t hurt to review a few stapes that can actually be of benefit to you. If you are living alone, plan on living alone or simply find yourself living alone for whatever reason, you should be aware of what it will take to remain safe. We are not saying that you’re not doing anything right but there is always room for improvement. Our locksmiths at Cary Locksmith in Cary, NC, have some practical suggestions that you may be interested in knowing about that will help you to remain safe. If you apply some of these suggestions it will improve your odds of avoiding a burglary.

Residential Locksmith

Useful Stats You Should Know About:

  • The majority of home invasions occur during the daytime
  • A women who lives alone has a .5% chance of being burglarized
  • Women experience a .4% chance of a violent crime than males
  • Women have a .1% chance of being robbed

Why Some People Live Alone

For some people it is by choice that they live alone but in some cases, it is not. There have been found more people living alone since the mid-90’s than ever before. We have concluded that this is because of children graduating from school, divorce, separation, first time home buyers and in some instances, children simply being asked to leave their parents home. We don’t think that there is anything wrong with a person living alone but it does pose its own set of problems that should definitely be considered. It is in your best interest to at least know about these threats to your security so that you can take action to do something to address them.

Simple Ways to Remain Safe When Living Alone

Remain Mum (Silent)

We don’t actually mean remain quiet but what we do mean is to be careful about discussing your living situation, especially to people you barely know. You don’t have to tell anyone that you live alone. In fact, it is actually best if you do try not to let others know. Don’t volunteer this type of information. If other people know that you live alone, it increases your chances of being victimized by an intruder. The burglar may begin to canvas your home to determine when they can get into your home. Don’t give them the chance.

Social Media

Make sure your not posting too much information about your comings and goings on social media. This is another way to expose yourself to a possible intruder. We realize that posting to social media can become addictive, however, use caution when doing so. When you post pictures of you out on the town with the girls or guys, this leaves you susceptible to a burglary. If you’re posting your vacation pictures, this is also unwise, as this is all the information that an intruder needs. They simply need time and opportunity. They know they have both as long as you continue to inform them of your whereabouts. It is better is you wait a day or two before posting pictures. That way, an unsuspecting intruder will back off when they realize that someone is actually home. The same is true when you’re going away on vacation. Why not wait until you return to start posting your vacation pictures. Tag your photo with the date too so that they know that it has come and gone.

Packages & Mailboxes

There could be a thief living in the same apartment building with you. If you are expecting packages to be delivered to your home, rather than having them placed outside your door, why not have them hold onto your packages until you return. If you have a neighbor that you trust, you can ask if they see any packages left at your door to please take them until you return.

You can always make it look like someone is home even if you live in an apartment. Rather than putting your name on your mailbox, you could simply use the term ‘residence’. This makes it appear as though more than one person actually lives in the apartment. Having only your name listed on the mailbox is like advertising that you live alone.

Close Your Window Treatments

Some people do not mind others peering into their beautiful homes but this can be very dangerous. Any time your blinds, curtains or shades are wide open, you’re showing a would-be thief, what they stand to gain by breaking into your home. Don’t make it easy on them. Make sure your shades, curtains and blinds are all kept shut, especially at night, when the lights make it easier to see inside. Whatever you have of valuable should only be between you and your family. The rest of the world shouldn’t know about your belongings. Just remember, if the things you posses are of value to you, they will also be of value to any would-be intruder. If you want to test whether or not anyone can see through your new curtains, simply stand outside your house with the curtains drawn and a light on.

Get a Dog

Yes, they are cute and cuddly but dogs are great protectors also. I you are not allergic to dogs, it is a great idea to get yourself a dog. Hearing a dog bark is a good way to deter a possible intruder. They don’t know what they will find on the other side of that door. If they do not wish to be harmed, they may think twice about coming into your home. In you live in a rural area, having a dog is especially beneficial to you. It alerts you to any potential intruders before they even get inside, thus giving you time to contact the authorities.

Aricle source here: Living Alone-Steps You Can Take To Remain Safe